Thursday 23 April 2015


In this present world, it is very easy to be swayed away from God and His precepts. Our only help is to HOLD unto his truth (Word) and ask for the Holy Ghost to continuously help and direct us from going astray. The Holy Spirit is there also to help us not to succumb to the Pressures of this world.
Spiritually speaking, we need to “stay on” the path and stay faithful to God despite pressures from others.
Below is a paragraph written by Jennifer Benson Schuldt of Our Daily bread devotional on 30th of October 2012.
Today, just as in ancient times, people and circumstances may prompt us to shift our loyalty away from God and His truth. Yet, with God’s help we can hold fast to the word of life (Philippians 2:16). If you feel pressured to enter a dangerous intersection of beliefs;
Ø  Study God’s word
Ø  Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Ø  Ask the Holy Spirit for help (I Corinthians 2:10-12)

Ø  Then standfast with your fellow believers in Christ

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