Thursday 23 April 2015


I love God, I love heaven.
I am on earth, I have to live on this domain for a short while, but this is not my home neither is it my desire, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I still have to exist here and carry out His purpose for my life.

To fulfill His purpose and consequently inherit the heavenly kingdom as a joint heir with Christ and many brethren, I first have to live in this domain.

I live in this domain, therefore I need certain elements of this domain for survival and relative comfort, but that doesn't mean I Love them or I am consumed by a quest to acquire them.
My Love ultimately is the kingdom not seen, but that doesn't imply that I should cease to exist on this plane or cut short my preordained lifespan……

Since I have to exist here, I must make good use of my existence here, by living positively and doing His bidding....

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