Leviticus Chapter 10 Verse 9:
"You and your sons are not drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting or you will die"
I Corinthians Chapter 3 Verse 16:
"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you?"
In this article, i will try and build the points in a sequential manner, first stating my argument and building onward. So i will crave your indulgence to please read through the article completely in order to fully grasps the point being made.
The truth of the matter, is that proponents of the belief that taking alcohol in small proportion or moderation is good and acceptable to God, are just expounding a false doctrine from the devil.
Consider the instruction in Leviticus Chapter 10 Verse 9; God specifically (through Moses) instructed Aaron and His children to abstain from wine and alcohol when proceeding into the temple.
N:B He did not say they should avoid getting drunk, it simply states total abstinence!
Now, coming down to modern times and realities. There is a new covenant brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The "tent of meeting" or "temple" is no longer restricted to the four walls of a building; we ourselves(believers), have become God's temple - I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19. Therefore, the instruction given to Aaron and His children apply to us at ALL TIMES! Since we are His temple, we thus, implying that His presence abides in us, we are to abstain from alcohol.
Samson was to avoid alcoholic drinks because the Holy Spirit was to rest on Him; so why should our case be any different? A true believer ought to possess the Spirit of God! If we have the Spirit of God living in us, then it follows that we should abstain from alcohol
Image gotten from: http://indianhealthjournal.com/2014/05/best-ways-to-quit-drinking-alcohol/1622.htm
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