Tuesday 17 March 2015


Sticking to a particular ministry/denomination at all cost isn’t what is paramount in the Christian race!
God is very interested in us all making heaven. One should not discount from loyalty and obedience as important keys to a successful Christian journey, they are quite important indeed.
In choosing a local church, what we should be on the lookout for is actually the SPIRIT that operates in such a church; irrespective of the denomination it belongs to!
A ministry could have been started under God’s direction, but the leadership of a particular branch could be under the influence of dark forces at a particular time. Does that mean you should stick to the denomination – by going to that branch – just because there is no other branch in sight? That is certainly not the loyalty that God is on the lookout for.
Perception and discernment are very essential and (ultimately) indispensable tools in seeking out a local church, because we need to understand and know the spirit that operates in such a church.
Loyalty to the kingdom is of essence, but sticking to a denomination at all cost even in such a circumstance as mentioned above is actually disloyalty to the kingdom.
Finding a local church that is under the influence of the Holy Spirit should always be foremost in our search for a local church.
1.       The spirit of discernment to know the spirit that operates in the leaders of a church and in that church.
2.       Ask for God’s direction in picking a church.

Written on: 22/12/2013
Image gotten from: http://www.woodhouseclosechurch.org/

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