Saturday, 18 October 2014



Leviticus Chapter 10 Verse 9: 
"You and your sons are not drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting or you will die"

I Corinthians Chapter 3 Verse 16:
"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you?"

In this article, i will try and build the points in a sequential manner, first stating my argument and building onward. So i will crave your indulgence to please read through the article completely in order to fully grasps the point being made.

The truth of the matter, is that proponents of the belief that taking alcohol in small proportion or moderation is good and acceptable to God, are just expounding a false doctrine from the devil.

Consider the instruction in Leviticus Chapter 10 Verse 9; God specifically (through Moses) instructed Aaron and His children to abstain from wine and alcohol when proceeding into the temple.
N:B He did not say they should avoid getting drunk, it simply states total abstinence!

Now, coming down to modern times and realities. There is a new covenant brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The "tent of meeting" or "temple" is no longer restricted to the four walls of a building; we ourselves(believers), have become God's temple - I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19. Therefore, the instruction given to Aaron and His children apply to us at ALL TIMES! Since we are His temple, we thus, implying that His presence abides in us, we are to abstain from alcohol.

Samson was to avoid alcoholic drinks because the Holy Spirit was to rest on Him; so why should our case be any different? A true believer ought to possess the Spirit of God! If we have the Spirit of God living in us, then it follows that we should abstain from alcohol 

Image gotten from:

Friday, 10 October 2014


Essence of family in God’s overall scheme of things

Family and its importance cannot be overemphasized. This text/article will hopefully help you see it in a different and more positive light.

God is all powerful……

He makes decisions and acts as He pleases, and still yet He is unquestionable and answerable to No one!
With that said, it is worthy to note that God is a master planner. Though He is well within His right to act in any fashion that pleases Him; He doesn't just take steps or make rules or decide on a course impulsively or ‘just because He can’. You can be assured that whatever He does or decides to do are just portions of the larger picture, that is, they are all necessary actions to attain His ultimate goal , which unite HIS family with Him in a state of PERFECTION and purity.

God cares for nothing more than (His) family and uniting them with HIM at the end of time. That is why the devil has sought to destroy man; He wants to “hurt” God where it will hurt the most.
Note the analogies in the scriptures pertaining the kingdom, the church and the body – they all point in one direction; family.

Family here is not the corruption or bastardization of it that the world tends to portray these days. Family here refers to Father, Mother and kids, with them all living together and the parents legally married with the children conceived and brought up in wedlock.

Have you ever wondered why God didn't just create (male)man in ‘bulk’?  Why did He stop at Adam? Why did He create Eve out of Adam and not dust? Why didn't He just create males or just females? He has the capacity to do all those, but He had something specific in mind which he wanted to achieve.

The human body is something that the scripture has used interchangeably with the family as analogies for the church and for each other.
Now let’s take an instance of an individual who has been blind in one eye for quite a number of years(possibly his entire life) and that individual has become quite adept at going about His daily activities with just the parts available. 
We have a second individual who happens to have recently lost one eye. Note, both individuals definitely realize the importance of having both eyes, but the latter individual will most definitely have more value for the missing eye, in fact he might feel that he couldn't possibly lead a normal life again. The first person has always known himself this way, and thus feels that he is living as normal a life as anyone else.

Now let’s build the hypothetical case study further; a well renowned thief of body parts suddenly comes to each individual, dangling their missing eyes to them. He gives them a condition to repossess the part and have them affixed back (let’s assume that only that particular eye will work for them and only the thief can restore them). He states that they have to bequeath their entire possession to him! Who do you think will be more inclined to accede to his request? The second individual it is; but why? He holds his missing eye to a much higher devotion than t
he first individual. Though both individual understand the importance of having both eyes, the first individual doesn’t have the dependence on His missing eye that individual B (the second individual) has. 
The first individual represents the false/wrong image of family while the second stands for what family should be.

God doesn't just want us to understand the importance of other family members; He wants us to be totally dependent on each other. Why you may ask? The church is God’s body, and hence his family. He wants us to translate our relationships within our earthly family into the body of Christ. But how can we do that without first experiencing and living it? That is why we are born into families so that we naturally have that bond, unfettered and unconditional loyalty, total dependence and utmost regard for everyone and a natural order with everyone knowing His/her place and not challenging others for their positions. For this to be manifest in the church, God needed to build this into our natural psyche through personal experience and not just indoctrination or because he said so.

Humans have a natural tendency to learn best from personal experience rather that what they have been told, instructed to do or read. That is why God desires us all to have a “proper” family experience and not the bastardization of it thereof. That is also why this is the devils most attacked area. He attacks any principle in order to cause a distortion of this. 

Written on: 23 – 02 – 2013

Image gotten from:


I am a seeker of truth. I very strongly believe that as believers(in Christ Jesus), we are called to seek out the truth. John Chapter 3 verse 32 says; 

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"

Knowledge of the truth is the genuine key to a Christians freedom.

Knowledge is a hidden treasure and a biblical assertion to this point is seen in Proverbs Chapter 2 Verse 4, which draws an analogy between knowledge and silver - which as we all know is a hidden treasure.

Colossians Chapter 2 Verse 3 states that this knowledge(of the truth) we seek for is hid in Christ Jesus. Much comfort is gotten from knowing that as a true believer, Christ abides in us and we in Him, because He hath given us of His Spirit (I John Chapter 4 Verse 13). With that said, it stands to be said that we ought to seek out the truth with all the we've got, as that is the key to our Christian well being.

This blog is an avenue for me to place articles which i have written over the years (and still writing), in my endeavour to find answers to questions bothering me on issues of Life and the (Christian) Faith. 

Opinions in these articles are gotten from research and much ponderation on (life) issues.

As i don't consider myself as one having access to all truth, or as being the custodian of knowledge, i decided to place the articles in a way that will give avenue to others who will better explain and give me better insight into underlying issues treated in the articles. 
Also, i hope it will help others who are having some of these issues at the back of their minds.

I sincerely hope this blog will help in getting us all to think more on the issues of the Faith, as well as, kindle a fire in us for the study of the bible that will ultimately elevate our relationship with Father to a greater level.